glow and go sunless tanning kit

Oh No, A Streaky Tan!

Things happen..even veteran self tanners have mishaps. Whether you got caught in the rain or licked by your fur baby, we have the solution! Maybe, you just forgot you had a tan on and got water on yourself..been there. Don’t worry. YOU can fix it.

Scenario 1: Got Wet within 2-3 of your spray tan.

Solution: Grab your favorite moisturizing lotion and rub in. Lotion should be applied sparingly..the point is to re-hydrate the tanning solution so you can spread it around to recover the entire area.

Scenario 2: Got wet between 4-6 hours of your spray tan.

Solution: At this point your tanning solution has begun to develop and you’ll more than just moisturizer to revitalize this puppy. You need to use a tanning lotion (something with DHA in it), like our Extend self-tanning lotion. Use this lotion just like directed above. Another option is do a quick touch-up with a Tanning Tonic, like ours.

Scenario 3: After 6 hours or you’ve showered already.

Solution: Yikes, now your tan has set in and you’ve noticed it’s uneven or you got wet prior to it developing. Your best bet is to fill in the affected areas with either a concentrated self tanner (Extend). Or, respray yourself lightly over your existing tan using our Faux Pro self-tanning system. The DHA will tan your skin over the course of the day. Do this in the AM and you’ll be tank top ready by 5.


*Updated blog in 2023

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