Anyone who has walked down the isle that carry’s sunscreen in Target or Walmart knows how many options there are to choose from. Each one claims to do something better then it’s competitor. It’s called marketing, and it’s on everything we buy.
There has been much controversy on the subject of sunscreen safety. Just google “is sunscreen safe”, and you will be bombarded with articles to chose from.
For years the Skin Cancer Foundation and the FDA has been advocating sunscreen and regalling it’s health bennefits. Only as of late, 2011, has the FDA been taking a closer look at what those labels are actually saying, and whether they are misleading the American people.
1) All day protection
2) Natural
3) Safe
4) Complete Protection
These are just a few claims that are currently on sunscreens in our beach bags, on our make up and on store shelves …and they don’t have to be proven or have any research behind them. Scary.
On June 14th, 2011 the FDA announced it’s new requirements and standards for all sunscreens sold or marketed in the USA. Click here to see.
Over the next few posts..we’ll decode some of them. Hopefully with a little information we can protect our bodies and have peace of mind.